There is a movement to “unite” religions in the secular political causes. Whether it is the vaccine hoax or the climate change hoax, the UN through its world leaders has an agenda and will push it.
Religions are easy to satisfy, give them an air of legitimacy and money and they will happily parrot whatever you want them to say, in that regards it’s no different than the pope working with kings in the Middle Ages. The UN won’t unite any religions, but it will unite a lot of their messaging.
The UN is a bit of a paper tiger when it comes to its actual stated goals, but when it comes to pushing ideology, it’s a tool used to cudgel the weak leaders of Western nations.
As long as the West has no moral backbone it won’t stand up to the people that push false narratives and any institution will be used to push the ideology and nations like China and Russia that have recognized the moral breakdown in Western society will be glad to use the UN as a tool to push for more and whether that is through the WHO or the pope, makes no difference to them.